Monday, April 20, 2009

Art Is Everywhere

Art doesn't always come in forms of painting, drawing or coloring. God also has quite an artistic side. Sometimes, His artistic side includes an experience that causes us to feel beauty as well as see it. Waking up on a brisk, winter day, where your world has become a winter wonderland, with ice swallowing every twig or blade of grass. The sun shining greatly to crystalize the world into an undescribable experience of beauty and art intimate to God's creation. God gives us these scenic experiences to remind us that He is the creator of all things good, beautiful and artistic.

A Picture Paints People, Perspective, and Power

You will only ever know what it is like to see life through your own eyes. As artist may try to express how they see a certain picture or feel a certain way intimate to their perspective, you will never truely be able to grapple their full intentions of the piece of artwork. Our experiences in life have shaped us uniquely and intimate to see life in a way that no other has. This is the beauty of life and art. Through art, we are able to express just a piece of experience or emotion that can only let you feel a glimpse of what is really behind the surface.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Stress Reliever?

I have to admit...I truely miss my highschool art classes. For four years I took art classes. Art has always been incorporated in my life, and now that I am in college I do not find it a big part of my life, and I truely miss it. Now as in my classes I have learned that I can't paint a picture with words, metaphors, similies and such...but I miss the color the textures and various mediums I used. I miss getting my hands dirty and experimenting with colors and different mediums. Do you incorporate art in your life? If so, how? What is your favorite type of art?